Actio standing desk
Actio standing desk

actio standing desk

Breaking up sitting time can improve glucose levels and balance, which plays an important role in weight management. Recent research showed that people who increased habitual walking and standing burn more fat versus those who stay seated significantly more and actually gain the most body fat. Coupled with mindless snacking and stress-induced poor food choices, it’s no wonder that the obesity epidemic really shows no signs of slowing. Weight ManagementĪs a culture, we are moving less and sitting more. Prolonged sedentary time is bad for your heart and blood vessels regardless of how much physical activity you get. According to a science advisory from the American Heart Association, even people who exercise regularly could be at increased risk for heart disease and stroke if they spend lots of time sitting. ( 3) The adverse effects of total sitting time impacts cardiovascular health and is associated with several disease risk factors.

actio standing desk

Research shows that prolonged sitting is a risk factor for coronary heart disease. While standing desks have several health benefits that extend well beyond the scope of this article, here are the seven most crucial reasons why you need to start standing while you work. Our bodies are designed for regular movement, but Americans spend an average of nine to 10 hours each day sitting. While it’s hard to completely get away from a modern life – especially if your daily job keeps you confined to an office – there are certainly workarounds that can still leave us productive, while getting healthier at the same time. ( 1) Workplaces, schools, and even modern conveniences favor sitting (drive-through banks, drive-through restaurants), but more and more studies are illustrating the physiological implications of being excessively sedentary. Levine, a co-director of the Obesity Initiative for the Mayo Clinic, says there are at least 24 different chronic diseases and conditions associated with excess sitting. New research shows that prolonged sitting is extremely detrimental to overall health.ĭr. So how do we balance our daily job with finding a more active lifestyle? Enter standing desks.Ī standing desk is exactly what it sounds like: a desk that is designed to be used by a person while standing upright. While some of us may think we have an active life if we spend an hour in the gym each day, this simply does not counterbalance the sedentary behaviors of a seated daily workflow.


Even after a long day of sitting at work, we often come home and sit in front of the TV in an attempt to unwind from the day. These days, most of us actually spend more time sitting than we do standing and being active.

actio standing desk

Is it any wonder that much of our culture is sluggish, unmotivated, and just plain tired? We wake up, get ready for work, sit in traffic, get to work, sit at a desk, take a short lunch break, sit at a desk some more, then it’s back into the car to sit in traffic again.

Actio standing desk